Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, I'm new to blogging, but everyone has so many questions lately about my "illness" that I thought it would be more convenient to blog about it.

Starting from day one, at the beginning of 2010, I started waking up, noticing how tired I looked. I chalked it up to working hard and being exhausted. One night at work, a co-worker told me that I looked tired. I took it to heart because lately I really did look tired and just wasn't feeling like myself. To be honest, I was exhausted. Even after sleeping 8-10 hours a night, I would get up and immediately feel like I needed more sleep. I would lay back down on the couch and sleep all day. This was unlike me. I had no drive to do anything. I had previously been redecorating/remodeling my house, but that was all put off when I couldn't stay awake long enough to walk from one room to another. One morning I woke up and noticed how puffy my right eye looked, along with swelling in my right temple area. It felt as though I had a sinus infection, along with an ear ache. It was like this swelling came about overnight. I ignored it. I took sinus meds, but within a month or so, my eye started bulging out and my temple became even more swollen. I figured I also had an ear ache. On 6/14/2010, I finally had no choice but to go to my doctor. She suspected a severe sinus infection and treated it as such. I was sent home with a few prescriptions and some antibiotics. Two weeks later, I felt the same and still had the same swelling. We then did x-rays of my sinuses. A few weeks later we did blood work. Nothing. My doctor referred me to an ENT. On 8/10/2010 the ENT stated that I had a sinus infection and put me on even stronger antibiotics for 2 weeks. Nothing. He finally ordered a CT scan of my sinuses on 8/24/2010. Since the diagnoses said, sinusitis, the radiologist only looked at my sinuses and reported that they were clear. He never zoomed in on the rest of my head or checked to see what was going on in my temple area where I had the swelling. The ENT calls me and says that there's nothing else wrong, so  let's try some Singulair and new nasal spray. I asked him about the swelling and he said he didn't see any swelling. You're kidding? I am starting to look like the Elephant Woman and you don't see any swelling? I took the new meds for a week and KNEW something was wrong. I felt it was more than sinus. I took it upon myself to get a copy of my CT scan and made an appointment with another ENT for a second opinion. This was the day that changed my life forever.

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